College of Health Professions, Nursing and Pharmacy

BS to MS in Pharmacogenomics Program 

Be assured of success

With a Master of Science in Pharmacogenomics (MS in PGx), you'll be prepared for employment in the genetic testing and pharmaceutical industries as an applied scientist who can work on all aspects of pharmacogenomic testing, including sample accessioning and preparation, sample analysis, data storage, data mining/interpretation and reporting. You will also be equipped to pursue a Ph.D. or a professional degree in fields like medicine, pharmacy, or dentistry. This program can also expand your capabilities in professional fields, such as genetic counseling.

The BS to MS in PGx Program can help you, as an undergraduate student, get there more confidently, more assuredly. By meeting the below eligibility requirements and opting into the BS to MS in PGx Program, you will receive a reserved seat in Manchester University’s Master of Science in Pharmacogenomics On-Site Program, along with extra structured guidance to help keep you on track.

BS to MS in PGx Transition Options

BS to MS in PGx students have two options to make a smooth transition from a bachelor’s degree into the Master of Science in Pharmacogenomics On-campus Program:

3+1 Fast Forward Track (three years of undergraduate coursework to obtain a bachelor’s degree) 

  • Candidates would complete coursework as part of the biology-chemistry degree (or related degree completion) in three years through the Fast Forward degree option, earning a bachelor’s degree (NOTE: requires pre-approval and admittance into the Fast Forward program), followed by the one-year master’s degree.

4+1 Traditional Degree Track (four years of undergraduate coursework to obtain a bachelor’s degree) 

  • Candidates would complete a Biology-Chemistry degree (or related degree) in four years, earning a bachelor’s degree, followed by the one-year master’s degree. 


BS to MS in PGx Benefits 

All biology-chemistry (and related majors) students enjoy benefits that connect them with the MS in PGx On-campus Program. They include: 

  • Networking opportunities with PGx program faculty, students and alumni 

  • Informational sessions to help prepare for the MS in PGx On-campus Program and admissions process 

  • Invitation into the Student Personalized Medicine Coalition (sPMC). 


Those students who enter the BS to MS in PGx Program can take advantage of those benefits, but also are eligible for the following: 

  • A reserved seat in the class during the year for which they apply (pending completion of required steps through their undergraduate experience and admissions process) 

  • Priority advising appointments with both undergraduate and PGx academic advisors 

  • Additional opportunities to prepare for entry into the MS in PGx program, one-on-one appointments with admissions personnel at the time of application 


To qualify for the BS to MS in PGx Program, students must: 

  • Be an undergraduate student at Manchester University.  

  • Have at least a 3.0 GPA cumulative GPA & 2.7 science GPA at time of MS in PGx application.  



Once accepted into the BS to MS in PGx Program, students will adhere to a predetermined timeline to provide information to academic advisors, Office of the Registrar, and PGx Program admissions personnel regarding their plans for possible entry into the master’s program. The MS in PGx Program personnel will work closely with undergraduate academic advisors to track biology-chemistry (and other related majors) students through their undergraduate experience. 

Summer after High School: 

  • Students will connect with an academic advisor on the North Manchester campus, as well as have access to faculty on the Fort Wayne campus. 

  • Students should notify academic advisors and admissions personnel if they plan to pursue the Fast Forward track. 

After Fall Semester, First Year 

  • Students will connect with PGx Program admissions personnel.  

After Spring Semester, First Year: 

  • Students will connect with PGx Program admissions personnel. 

  • Regular semester meetings will continue until student transitions into the Master of Science in Pharmacogenomics On-campus Program. Undergraduate academic advisors will help students schedule courses and discuss their progress throughout a student’s undergraduate academic experience. 

BS to MS in PGx Program 

 To maintain eligibility and transition into a seat with an incoming class of the Master of Science in Pharmacogenomics On-campus Program, BS to MS in PGx Program students must:

  • Submit a PharmGRAD application for the MS in PGx On-campus Program by the end of fall semester of their 3rd or 4th year at Manchester University (depending on their transition option) 

  • Have successfully earned a Bachelor of Science degree prior to starting classes for the MS in PGx On-campus Program  

  • Maintain a 3.0 cumulative & 2.7 science GPA at the time of application  

  • Complete all other admission requirements as outlined by the MS in PGx On-campus Program  

  • Complete all required steps for matriculation into the MS in PGx On-campus Program  


*Current Manchester University seniors who are interested in the BS to MS in PGx Program and meet the above area of study and GPA requirement can be eligible for the reserved seat until April 15th during the year for which they apply. 

Transfer Students

Students who transfer to Manchester University are eligible for the BS to MS in PGx as long as the GPA at the institution from which the student transferred is at least a 3.0 cumulative and a 2.7 science at time of acceptance to Manchester University.  The student must maintain these GPA requirements upon graduation from MU to remain eligible for the reserved seat in the MS in PGx.

Note: If a transfer student has completed a majority of coursework at another university, at least one semester must be completed at Manchester University to gain eligibility to the BS to MS in PGx, assuming the above criteria has been met.

*Those who opt in to the BS to MS in PGx Program, but do not meet these requirements can still apply for admission under the regular admissions process.  

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