Donations and Deposits

The Archives and Brethren Historical Collection receives most of its material from:
  • individuals and departments on the University campus
  • through agreements with Brethren Press, individual Church of the Brethren congregations of Indiana, and Church of the Brethren district offices in Indiana
  • occasionally through private donation

If you have materials that you would like to donate or deposit, please contact us. We will let you know if the items are appropriate for the Archives and Brethren Historical Collection, and if so, help you make arrangements for their transfer.

Departments and individuals on campus must include a Transfer Form when sending materials to the Archives. Off-campus donations require a Deed of Gift Form. All materials need to be pre-sorted and itemized along with a description stating the history and significance of the submission. Please attach a paper copy of the description to the form and send a digital copy to the archivist at If warranted, the Archives will supply archival file folders and archival boxes for on campus transfers and will have these things brought to your department prior to the move.

Due to preservation concerns, all submission should be dry, pest-free, and mold free. All rubber bands and metal paper clips should be removed. Do not use tape to try to hold pieces together. If you have any questions, contact Jeanine prior to your submission.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of material should be archived?

In general, all non-current, significant records with enduring value that were generated by the University or Church office or department should be deposited in the University Archives and Brethren Historical Collection. Records will qualify if they have been vital to the operation of the office or department; if they document policy development and precedents, major projects or grants, or University or Church rights and responsibilities; if their subject matter caused considerable comment on campus, in the denomination, or in the media; or, if they involved litigation or large sums of money. A useful guideline is to ask what material would be of use to a person writing a report or history on the Church, office, or department. Consider the potential uses of archived records; for instance, grant proposals often require historical narratives and statistics.

What are some examples of materials that should be sent to the Archives?

Examples include but are not limited to: Correspondence and subject files; syllabi; news releases; publications, such as newsletters and annual reports; records of program or curriculum development; departmental minutes and reports; committee and organization minutes and reports; self-studies, histories, and accreditation reports; records about symposia and special projects; records about cooperative efforts with other institutions or congregations; records about relationships with government, business, or industry; certain student work (for example, honors theses)

What formats are kept in the Archives?

Paper documents, unpublished and published; books, unpublished and published; diaries; scrapbooks; audio and video of all kinds; photographic material, including framed items, slides, negatives, prints, and digital images; blueprints and plans; paintings, drawings, and other artwork; plaques; and banners.
Please note: Computer files are immediately printed out so that obsolete programs and formats do not cause future problems.

What should not be deposited in the Archives and Brethren Historical Collection?

The Archives and Brethren Historical Collection will not acquire routine correspondence and similar items that do not have enduring value, duplicate materials, publications better suited to the general library collection, personnel records, financial material (except for year-end financial statements and other summary reports), or material unrelated to Manchester University or the Church of the Brethren in Indiana. The Archives and Brethren Historical Collection also does not actively collect three-dimensional objects. The staff reserves the right to not accession material that is inappropriate for the collections.

Who will see the archived materials? What if something is sensitive in nature?

Items that are considered part of a student's academic record (grade books, graded assignments, permanent records) are private under federal law. In addition, the donor or depositor may place stipulations on what it places in the archives by specifying the restrictions on the Transfer Form or Deed of Gift that is required for each deposit. If a Transfer Form or Deed of Gift is not completed, it will be assumed that the material is unrestricted.