2015 Manchester graduates meet 98% success rate
Most of Manchester University’s 238 spring 2015 graduates have jobs or are in graduate school.
The success rate is 98 percent, nearly a full point higher than 97.1 percent in 2014.
“Manchester graduates are well-prepared academically and have practical experiences that make them highly successful in the job market," said Tish Kalita, MU director of career and professional development.
In addition to rigorous classwork, most graduate after enriching internships, real-life training and volunteer work that help prepare them for the professional world and offer valuable sources for networking.
Year after year, MU’s newest graduates report success – at a five-year average above 95 percent.
Manchester is so sure of this that it offers an employment guarantee: a job or graduate school within six months of graduation or return for a full year, tuition-free. For more, visit http://sl4u.noujcf.com/tripleguarantee/.
In MU’s accounting program, for example, virtually every spring 2015 graduate is employed, and many of them locked in their jobs months before commencement.
Nearly 23 percent of the Class of 2015 are earning advanced degrees – at dentistry and law schools, and studying chemistry, physics and psychology. Some are at Manchester’s own Pharmacy Program in Fort Wayne, pursuing a four-year professional doctorate. Many of the graduate-degree seekers are research and teaching assistants at major universities.
The employment rate of 2015 MU master’s degree recipients is 100 percent.
The University is preparing to graduate its first pharmacy doctoral students in May 2016. It offers the nation’s only dedicated master’s degree in pharmacogenomics, with classes beginning in May.
The Manchester University Career & Internship Fair is 2-4 p.m. Feb. 24 at the Jo Young Switzer Center on East Street at the North Manchester campus. Businesses may register at http://bit.ly/MUFair2016
Manchester University, with campuses in North Manchester and Fort Wayne, Ind., offers more than 60 areas of academic study to 1,500 students in undergraduate programs, a Master of Science in Pharmacogenomics, a Master of Athletic Training and a four-year professional Doctor of Pharmacy. Learn more about the private, northern Indiana school at sl4u.noujcf.com.
January 28, 2016