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Science Olympiad

Hundreds of students to compete at Manchester Science Olympiad

High school and middle school student teams and their coaches are preparing for the annual Science Olympiad that will be held Jan. 14 at Manchester University.

At the Manchester University Science Olympiad Invitational, there will be 18 high school teams and eight middle school teams totaling about 350 students from communities throughout Indiana.

During the invitational at the North Manchester campus, there will be 33 events and competitions, with activities ranging from forensic cases to chemistry labs to constructing machines such as robot arms and hovercrafts.

The Science Olympiad aims to expose young scholars to things they would not learn in a regular high school or middle school classroom setting.

“We want them to have fun,” said Dr. Kathryn Davis, who teaches chemistry at Manchester and a co-organizer of this event with Pam Karkosky, administrative assistant to Natural and Health Sciences, and Dr. Susan Klein, professor of chemistry. 

“It’s nice to help out the community and make relationships with schools,” Davis said, adding that the Science Olympiad encourages students to learn in different ways. It also exposes them to Manchester University’s close-knit community where faculty inspire students to develop their curiosity. 

MU faculty and coaches of participating teams will moderate the myriad of events while student volunteers will assist teams with directions and registering.

Manchester University’s invitational is a stepping-stone for regional competitions, where the top 60 teams will be selected to compete in the 2017 Science Olympiad National Tournament. For more information, go to www.soinc.org. 

Middle School Teams
Central Middle International School (Kokomo)
Manchester Junior/Senior High School (North Manchester, 3 teams)
Northridge Middle School (Middlebury, 2 teams)
R.J. Baskett Middle School (Gas City)
Winamac Middle School (Winamac)
High School Teams
Avon High School (Avon, 2 teams)
Benton Central High School (Oxford)
Bloomington High School North (Bloomington, 2 teams)
Columbia City High School (Columbia City, 2 teams)
Hammond Academy of Science (Hammond)
Mishawaka High School (Mishawaka, 2 teams)
MIssissinewa High School (Gas City)
North Central High School (Indianapolis)
Northridge High School (Middlebury, 3 teams)
Warren Central High School (Indianapolis)
Winamac High School (Winamac)

With 1,600 students at its campuses in North Manchester and Fort Wayne, Manchester University respects the infinite worth of every individual, promotes responsible citizenship and puts high value on service. It calls on the diverse faiths of its community members to make the world a kinder and better place, establish justice and build peace amid strife.  Learn more about the private, northern Indiana school at sl4u.noujcf.com.

Prepared with assistance by Zoe Vorndran, Strategic Communications student worker at Manchester University.

December 2016