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Authors to speak at MU about Iran’s relationship with U.S.

Contact: Dr. Brad Yoder
Professor of Sociology, Social Work, and Criminal Justice
Manchester University

Peace Studies Institute and Program for Conflict ResolutionNORTH MANCHESTER, Ind. – Manchester University welcomes authors Wallace and Evelyn Shellenberger on Monday, March 7, as they discuss the relationship between Iran and the United States.

“Iran and the United States: From Where, to Where?” will be offered at 7 p.m. in Cordier Auditorium on the North Manchester campus. The presentation is free and open to the public.

The Shellenbergers lived in Iran for four years and will offer firsthand descriptions of their interactions with the Iranian people. Their book is “Welcome to Iran!”

Their presentation on conflicts between the nations, as well as hopes for the future, is particularly timely, considering the recent nuclear agreement and upcoming presidential election in each nation. 

This event is sponsored by the MU Peace Studies Institute and Program in Conflict Resolution, the first undergraduate Peace Studies program in the world. The speech is part of the Values, Ideas and the Arts series at Manchester University.

Manchester University, with campuses in North Manchester and Fort Wayne, Ind., offers more than 60 areas of academic study to 1,500 students in undergraduate programs, a Master of Athletic Training and a four-year professional Doctor of Pharmacy.  Learn more about the private, northern Indiana school at sl4u.noujcf.com.


Prepared with assistance by student Lauren Hughes, MU strategic communications assistant. 

March 1, 2016