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Manchester Symphony Orchestra
MSO Chamber Works Gala features ‘Vanishing Point’ premier, ‘Crumpet the Trumpet’

The Manchester Symphony Orchestra is presenting its Chamber Works Gala in March, the first full chamber works concert presented by the MSO in nearly a decade.

The concert is 3 p.m. Sunday, March 6, in Cordier Auditorium on the North Manchester campus.
Admission is $10 at the door. It is free for students 18 and younger, as well as Manchester University students, faculty and staff.

Tim ReedIn addition to featuring each section of the orchestra, the symphony will perform the world premier of Tim Reed's new chamber work, “Vanishing Point.” Reed is an associate professor of music at Manchester University and an award-winning composer.

The concert will also feature Fort Wayne Philharmonic violinist Kristine Papillon's “Crumpet the Trumpet.” Her work was selected as the No. 1 musical gift for children 2015 by about.com. The composition is a narrated children's tale which includes video, narration and orchestra.

Highlights also include: “Warlock's Capriol Suite” and the Strauss “Serenade for 13 Winds.”
The Chamber Works Gala offers a unique opportunity to explore shorter classical-style works with a variety of ensembles.

The Manchester Symphony Orchestra, in its 77th “Celebrations” season, serves Wabash County and the region. This tradition has its roots in its founding by residents of the county and what was then Manchester College. That partnership continues today, with a carefully crafted collaboration of professional and community musicians, along with selected faculty, staff and student musicians of Manchester University.

Scott Humphries, an assistant professor at Manchester University and director of instrumental studies and music education, conducts the Manchester Symphony Orchestra and MU Symphonic Band. He is also principal conductor of the Fort Wayne Area Community Band.

For more information, contact Humphries at CPHumphries@noujcf.com.

The program is part of the Values, Ideas and the Arts series at the University, which offers cultural exposure and intellectual enrichment for students.

Manchester University, with campuses in North Manchester and Fort Wayne, Ind., offers more than 60 areas of academic study to 1,500 students in undergraduate programs, a Master of Athletic Training and a four-year professional Doctor of Pharmacy.  Learn more about the private, northern Indiana school at sl4u.noujcf.com.

Feb. 8, 2016