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Graduation 2019

Manchester University moves 2020 Commencement to fall

Manchester University has moved its 2020 Commencement ceremonies to October.

Like many high schools, colleges and universities across the nation, Manchester had been struggling in the age of COVID-19 to find a way to best honor the Class of 2020.

Is that virtual? In person, but later? Virtual in the spring and in-person later?

The University with campuses in North Manchester and Fort Wayne, Ind., surveyed students in the Class of 2020 to get a clearer picture of what they would prefer.

Dave McFadden 2018“When we surveyed you about preferences, there was an overwhelming preference for an in-person Commencement ceremony. This was far and away the first choice over a virtual ceremony or simply a celebration,” President Dave  McFadden said in an email to graduating students.

“Your comments reflected the same: Most of you want this in person. As one student said, ‘I would prefer any live celebration, on any date, over a virtual one!’ As the one who gets to shake your hand, I couldn’t agree more.”

The dates for ceremonies at the North Manchester campus are:

  • Saturday, Oct. 17, Pharmacy Hooding ceremony and Graduate and Professional Commencement (Doctorate in Pharmacy, Master of Athletic Training and Master of Pharmacogenomics) Cordier Auditorium.
  • Sunday, Oct. 18, Undergraduate and Master of Accountancy Commencement. Physical Education and Recreation Center (PERC).
Manchester picked the weekend before its fall break in the hope that Commencement will not need to be postponed again.

“Given the uncertainties ahead, a summer date might have been bumped,” McFadden said. “The world desperately needs more Manchester graduates, and we all look forward to celebrating your milestone achievement together.” 

There are a number of details to be finalized, including how to make sure those who need a diploma or credentials before Commencement Day can move forward with work or graduate school plans. Members of the graduating class will be updated as decisions are made.

For the media
Office of the President: President@noujcf.com or 260-982-5050.

Our mission

Manchester University respects the infinite worth of every individual and graduates persons of ability and conviction who draw upon their education and faith to lead principled, productive, and compassionate lives that improve the human condition.

Manchester University, with campuses in North Manchester and Fort Wayne, Ind., provides vibrant and transformative student experiences. Learn more at sl4u.noujcf.com/about-manchester

April 2020